Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sometimes I feel like I am Library 1.5

I have to admit that I am thrilled with the possibilities of Library 2.0. However, we need to remember that we need to be in the middle, say Library 1.5, to help more of our customers. I am happy to be one of the technology trainers for the system. The classes that we offer are for customers who still reside in a Library 1.0 world. If we can make them more comfortable with the idea of a Library 2.0 world, we have taken a major step to helping them get back on track on the information superhighway.

One of the ideas I liked from the Michael Stephens posting was the "Librarian 2.0 is a trendspotter". Now that we have adopted a floor model instead of a desk model for our staff, we can have those "honest, human conversations" with our customers. If you see something new that a customer is working on, just ask them about it. Sometimes customers enjoy being able to teach the librarians a thing or two, especially the teenagers. ;-)

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